

Every breakfast of my early life was GAULETTE and bacon. We never knew where it came from, only that it had been breakfast for GENERATIONS of Lafontaines. With the advent of the internet we learned it was the main staple of the FRENCH NAVY. As the family geneologist I instantly knew how we came by it.

The VOYAGEURS, the guys who pioneered the CANADIAN wilderness in large cargo canoes, were mostly FRENCH NAVAL VETERANS. They later started canada when they founded Quebec. My family is direct decendents of HIPPOLYTE Lafontaine, the "george washington" of Canada.

we would fry the bacon and cook the GAULETTE in the grease. For many years of adulthood I still ate it often but have gotten away from it lately. NOW it is a treat!I hope you enjoy it too.

SERVE WITH your favorite SYRUP as a DIP. Molasses, maple syrup, Honey etc. as well as bacon and coffee. we like coffee and chicory sweetened with RAW SUGAR to complete the experience.


in mixing bowl

½ cup whole wheat flour

½ cup white flour

½ TSP salt

1 ½ TSP baking powder

mix dry ingredients

add ½ cup milk ( or water) flavor with vanilla or nutmeg etc.

stir until mixed adding white flour as needed until DOUGH breaks away from bowl.

Powder outside to non-stick

preheat cast iron skillet

lubricate with 1 tbsp butter

place dough ball and flatten

until less than 1 inch thick

brown well on both sides till done

They carried little more than flour, Coffee and tobacco. They lived off the land for everything else.


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